Welfare report
A health and welfare promotion report highlights information on how the selected well-being and health promotion priorities and targets promote the well-being and health of Helsinki residents. The health and welfare promotion report is drawn up annually and a more extensive report is drawn up at the end of the council term. The health and welfare promotion report contains key indicators on the city residents’ state of health and well-being and related changes. In addition, the health and welfare promotion assesses the achievement of the goals set. The health and welfare promotion report is submitted to the City Council for consideration as part of the approval of the city’s financial statements. The health and welfare promotion report covering the council term is discussed as part of the City Council’s strategy seminar, which outlines actions for the next council term.
A visual summary report has been compiled on the indicators that monitor the impact of the work to promote well-being and health during the council term.
Previous health and welfare promotion reports
Stadin HYTEbarometri – Hyvinvointikertomus 2018–2021 (Stina Högnabba, Suvi Määttä) PDF
Appendix: Helsingin hyvinvointisuunnitelman toimenpiteiden etenemisen tilanne 30.10.2020 (Stina Högnabba) PDF
Published on 28 January 2021. Tilastoja 2021:1.
Stadin HYTEbarometri – Vuosikooste 2019 (Stina Högnabba, Hanna Ahlgren–Leinvuo, Netta Mäki)
Published on 26 February 2020. Tilastoja 2020:4. PDF, Browseable publication
Appendix: Helsingin hyvinvointisuunnitelman toimenpiteiden etenemisentilanne 31.12.2019 (Stina Högnabba) PDF
Helsinki Health and Welfare Barometer – Annual summary 2019 (Stina Högnabba, Hanna Ahlgren–Leinvuo, Netta Mäki) PDF
Published on 13 March 2020. Statistics 2020:4.
Stadin HYTEbarometri – vuosikooste 2018 (Stina Högnabba)
Published on 6 May 2019. PDF
Helsinki Health and Welfare Barometer – Annual summary 2018 (Stina Högnabba)
Published on 8 October 2019. PDF