Health and welfare promotion consultation

The health and welfare promotion consultation, i.e. HYTE consultation, is held between the City of Helsinki and other HYTE operators on different themes of health and welfare promotion. In accordance with the law, the consultation must be held at least once a year (Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services (612/2021, Section 6)).
Among others, the following health and well-being promotion themes are discussed at the HYTE consultation:
- objectives and measures
- cooperation
- monitoring
- operating models
- flow of information
The City of Helsinki’s HYTE consultation model has been built jointly by the city and is implemented on the principle of continuous development. The focus of the two-part model is on collaboration. The annual consultation is based on the existing welfare plan. The aim of the extensive consultation that takes place once per council term is to build a new welfare plan.
An extensive number of partners working with health and welfare promotion in the city are invited to the consultation. These may include representatives of influencing bodies and the organisation advisory board, actors of the HYTE working groups and networks and HUS Group. The City of Helsinki is represented by members of the intersectoral HYTE lifecycle teams, the city-level HYTE preparation group, urban reform project managers, business cooperation experts as well as draftspersons of elderly, disabled and youth councils and the organisation advisory board.
Memoranda and a summary of the consultation will be prepared and included in an extensive welfare report (Stadin HYTE-barometri). The memoranda and summary will also be published on this website and taken into account as part of the city’s financial and operational planning. The information gathered from the consultation will be used, among other things, in the preparation of the City of Helsinki’s welfare plan for 2026–2029 and as a knowledge base for the new city strategy.