The Child Friendly Cities Initiative

Photo: Jussi Hellsten

We want Helsinki to be a child-friendly city where every child and young person has the right to grow and develop safely. Helsinki is committed to promoting non-discrimination, equality and human rights in all activities. We strengthen inclusiveness and interaction in all city operations.

The Child Friendly Cities work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and promotes the implementation of the Rights of the Child in cities. Every child is valuable, and children’s rights apply to all children.

UNICEF Finland has recognised Helsinki as a Child Friendly City for the first time in September 2024. Helsinki is the first Nordic capital to receive this recognition. The recognition is valid for two years. The City of Helsinki will also continue its Child Friendly City work in accordance with the model in the coming two-year period.

The Rights of the Child as the starting point

Cities are responsible for many things that are important for children and young people. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a human rights treaty that applies to everyone under the age of 18. UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities Initiative promotes the implementation of the Rights of the Child and implements Finland’s National Child Strategy in municipalities.

The Child Friendly Cities Initiative
  • Identifies which areas of the Rights of the Child the city needs to develop
  • Defines what the city should do to maximise the implementation of the Rights of the Child
  • The progress of the set goals is systematically monitored

Helsinki involved in the Child Friendly Vities Initiative since 2021

The Child Friendly Cities work in Helsinki has involved all of the city’s divisions and the City Executive Office. An action plan adopted in spring 2022 is implemented in 2022–2024. The work has been part of Helsinki’s health and well-being promotion as well as the welfare plan.

Helsinki has progressed in its Child Friendly Cities work in accordance with the model’s phases and related instructions. Five objectives were selected for the work. The Child Friendly Cities coordination group has carried out regular monitoring and self-assessment of the progress of the objectives and measures. Children have also evaluated the success of the goal that is based on children’s perspectives.

Below, you can read what we have achieved.

Based on the operating model, Helsinki surveyed the starting situation and created five goals:

Organisation of the Child Friendly Cities work in Helsinki

The Child-Friendly Municipality coordination group convenes approximately four times a year.

Chair of the coordination group:

Maarit Sulavuori
Department director

UNICEF coordinators:

City Executive Office
Stina Högnabba
Special Planner
Tel. +358 9 310 42525

Culture and Leisure Division
Pirjo Mattila
Development Specialist
Tel. +358 9 310 89122

Education Division
Elina Rautiainen
Project manager
Tel. +358 9 310 22148

Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Mia Mäntymaa
Development consultant
Tel. +358 9 310 72924