Voice your opinion on the substance abuse situation in Helsinki and make a difference!
The Substance Survey aims to collect the views and experiences of Helsinki residents on the substance abuse situation in their areas of residence. The survey is open from 23 September until 13 October 2024. The questions have to do with alcohol, drugs, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling. The results of the survey are used in the planning and development of preventive substance abuse services. Every answer is valuable!
Your answers are anonymous, and it takes about 10 minutes to complete the survey. The results will be announced in late 2024 in the City of Helsinki’s communication channels.
The substance survey is part of the national Pakka project, which is coordinated by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). More information:
This survey form is intended for residents over the age of 18:
The form for 13–17-year-olds is available here:
The City of Helsinki’s Centralised Well-being Services unit, a part of the Culture and Leisure Division, is responsible for data collection and processing.